2010-2014 Tongji University, Environmental Science,B. sc.
2014-2019 Tsinghua University, Environmental Science & Engineering,Ph.D.
2019-2021 Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Postdoctoral Researcher
2021-PresentRenmin University of China,Lecture
Zheng-Yang Huo is a Lecture at Renmin University of China (RUC). He has been awarded the prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission, the Young Talent Support Project from the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, and the Outstanding Scholar from RUC. Before joining RUC, he worked as a research professor at Sungkyunkwan University, funded by the Korea Research Fellowship. Dr. Huo’s research vision is to develop sustainable environmental applications for decentralized applications. He has published 40 papers in leading international peer-reviewed journals, including first and corresponding author papers in Nature Water, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Environmental Science & Technology, and Water Research, with >1600 citations and an H-index of 22. Dr. Huo has received funding from the Chinese National NSF Project and the Chinese National Key R&D Program. He is a Youth Editorial Board Member of the Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.
Key Publications:
Young-Jun Kim, Zheng-Yang Huo*, Xiaoxiong Wang, et al., Walking-induced electrostatic charges enable in situ electroporated disinfection in portable water bottles. Nature Water 2, 360–369 (2024).
In-Yong Suh, Zheng-Yang Huo*, Jae-Hwan Jung, et al., Highly efficient microbial inactivation enabled by tunneling charges injected through two-dimensional electronics. Science Advances 10, eadl5067(2024).
Zheng-Yang Huo, Young-Jun Kim, In-Yong Suh, et al., Triboelectrification induced self-powered microbial disinfection using nanowire-enhanced localized electric field. Nature Communications 12, 3693 (2021).
Zheng-Yang Huo, Lea R. Winter, Xiao-Xiong Wang*, et al., Synergistic nanowire-enhanced electroporation and electrochlorination for highly efficient water disinfection. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 15, 10925–10934 (2022).
Zheng-Yang Huo, Xiaoxiong Wang, Xia Huang, & Menachem Elimelech. Intensifying electrified flow-through water treatment technologies via local environment modification. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 18, 69 (2024).